
Two New Mortgage Compliance Trends to Watch: Consumer Privacy and Cybersecurity

So far, 2019 has appeared to be quiet when it comes to new mortgage compliance initiatives. However, lenders should closely watch the trends related to consumer privacy and cybersecurity.

After tracking trends rising from the GDPR laws in Europe, along with new state laws, investor changes and new federal agency rules, we believe these two issues will drive the next wave of regulatory changes at the federal level.

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Why Lenders Are Now Making the Investment in eClosing Solutions

In today’s lending market, eClosing is the fundamental component to providing a true digital mortgage. Now, with the availability of integrated eClosing solutions, combined with the growing investor acceptance of eNotes, Lenders are making the investment in eClosing platforms to deliver a truly optimized and convenient mortgage experience.

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June 2019 Compliance Roundup

June saw a number of changes handed down by various government agencies, investors and one state government, some of which may result in changes to our system or document library. The details are here in our monthly compliance update blog post. To stay up to the minute, you can always find compliance information on our compliance blog

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May Compliance Roundup

We saw several states completing the lawmaking process in May, which may result in some changes to our system or document library. The details are here in our monthly compliance update blog post. You can always find up-to-the-minute compliance information on our compliance blog. Subscribe to the blog to be among the first to learn about all the industry’s most important compliance news.

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April Compliance Roundup

Each month, lenders must handle new regulations and updated interpretations of existing rules. Even now, TRID continues to provide complex issues for compliance offices. Senior Regulatory Compliance Specialist Timothy Raty peeled back a few more compliance layers with an in-depth article on one of the more intriguing conundrums of TRID. His piece rounded out a month that saw numerous document updates changes as well as investor compliance news.

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