
2023 Mortgage Compliance Priorities: What to keep on your radar

The November 2022 elections had unexpected results, and it is uncertain how it will affect mortgage regulations. However, lenders can prepare for compliance priorities by understanding the priorities of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, upcoming changes, and market conditions. This will help them maintain profitability in a challenging housing market.

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Scaling your fintech to stay ahead

As we begin 2023, it's important for financial institutions to look ahead and consider how to enhance their digital capabilities in innovative ways to address changing customer needs, values, and economic conditions. According to Gartner's top 10 strategic technology trends for 2023, one of the key themes is "Scale," with an emphasis on Industry Cloud Platforms as the building blocks for organizations to create new and differentiated digital initiatives and experiences.

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Q2 2022 Compliance Roundup

The second quarter of 2022 saw several compliance news and document updates. Our compliance experts are continually reviewing requirements for document changes, and as you will see below, have found plenty since the end of the first quarter. Make sure you also take note of the New Document, Late Fee Updates and Global Mapping Updates located towards the bottom of this roundup.

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Q1 2022 Compliance Roundup

While short on compliance news, the first quarter of 2022 was packed with several important document updates. Our experts are always reviewing compliance requirements for document changes, and as you will see below, have found plenty from the beginning of the year. Make sure you also take note of the Recent Article and Global Mapping updates located towards the bottom for the most thorough roundup.

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Opposing Supply-Demand Forces Hold Key to Housing Market Potential

While still 4 percent higher than one year ago, the market potential for existing-home sales declined to its lowest level since June 2021, according to the first Potential Home Sales Model report of 2022. Demand for homes will remain strong in 2022, but declining affordability and lack of supply may limit market potential. Potential home buyers have little inventory to select from, and you can’t buy what’s not for sale. Rebalancing of demand relative to the short supply is likely as demand moderates due to declining affordability, and house price appreciation slows down in response. 

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New Study: eClosing Increases ROI for Lenders and Title Agents

A full eClosing occurs when all closing documents are electronically signed and notarized online; including the eNote and security instrument. There are variations such as hybrid eClosings, where only certain parts of the lending process are brought online. Based on a recent study of Notarize customers conducted by MarketWise, implementing eClosings (whether hybrid or full) has shown the most impact on ROI for lenders —  saving them time and improving loan quality and customer satisfaction.

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