
3 Things Consumers Demand for an Optimal Signing Experience

In every person’s life there are significant moments that will stick with them forever--graduating high school, moving out of Mom and Dad’s house, purchasing their first car and of course buying their first house. While the process of buying a home can be one of the most exciting times in a person’s life, today’s complicated home buying process can quickly put a damper on the situation.

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Time to Change Your LOS? Maybe, it’s Time to Change Your Mortgage Doc Technology Too


Experienced mortgage origination executives will tell you that lenders tend to change their loan origination systems (LOSs) about every five years. There are many reasons for this, but the most common is that the firm’s top lending executives switch companies and want to manage their operations in ways that made them successful in the past. They tend to bring their LOSs with them into their new institutions. Increasingly, when a lender changes its LOS, we also see them taking steps to change out their mortgage document technology as well.

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They’re Baaaaack: CFPB to Reopen TRID Rulemaking

For much of the past 18 months, the mortgage industry has been solely focused on one thing—TRID. And although the TRID deadline has come and passed, the industry is not quite finished with the recent guidance. Just when you thought it was safe to get back in the water, the CFPB has reopened its TRID rulemaking.

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Helping Lenders Keep Borrowers Buoyant

Buying your first home is a very exciting time. Nothing is quite the same as standing on the sidewalk in front of your new home and knowing that you hold the keys to your dream. But, as a colleague of mine once pointed out, “What’s not so exciting is looking at how much it’s going to cost you, and thinking that moving back into your parent’s basement isn’t such a bad idea after all.”

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Moving from Static Forms to Dynamic Loan Documents

In a previous post, we talked about the move away from paper loan documents and the concept of a form, which is basically a static document with spaces to hold specific data that must be manually changed. This migration away from forms and toward data driven loan documents is enabling great improvements in processing speed, customer satisfaction and the development and release of new loan products.

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