
Efficiency and Compliance Through LOS Pushback

Consumers and regulators are pushing for mortgage transactions with less paper, more electronic signatures and the higher customer satisfaction that comes along with them. One challenge has been the need to keep the Loan Origination System (LOS), the lender’s database of record, in sync with the document vendors that supply modern electronic disclosure and closing documents. That’s changing now that innovative doc prep software is making it easier to accomplish a two-way LOS data exchange.

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Top Five Reasons Why Loan Data Synchronicity is Critical to TRID Compliance

It’s already been seven months since the Truth-in-Lending/Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act Integrated Disclosures (TRID) went into effect. Many lenders were adequately prepared for the changes by integrating new technologies within their organizations. However, many lenders are still struggling to adjust to the “new normal” that is TRID compliance.

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Preparing for Millennials Entering the Mortgage Market

We cannot ignore the transformation that is occurring in the residential housing market today. Relatively unchanged since the 1950s, the housing market will soon (and in some markets is already) be catering to a new breed of American homeowners, Millennials. Young professionals, who have never lived in a world without a global, online information network, are the future of the mortgage industry. They have widely different concerns from their predecessors. The mortgage industry needs to be prepared to address all of these concerns at every level of the mortgage process.

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The importance of borrower experience in mortgage lending

Getting a mortgage is a big deal. You’d think all lenders would recognize this and make extra effort to ensure the borrower experience is as smooth as possible. But just do a little online research, and you’ll learn that most lender reviews and blog posts reveal that the majority of borrowers are unhappy, dissatisfied customers. 

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What Sets Good Loan Document Providers Apart: Clues to Success

With so many required changes to the data and documents we deliver to our borrowers, partners and the government; many loan originators are considering necessary upgrades to their technologies. But how can you tell the most successful vendors apart from those who cannot deliver? You must seek out the clues to success.

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Sign on the Digital Dotted Line: TRID’s Impact on eSign Adoption

Image_1.pngFive months after the CFPB’s TRID rules went into effect, mortgage lenders across the country are still struggling with how to best manage the changes. Outside of the physical changes to the documents, the biggest impact has been in the waiting periods mandated for both the initial “good faith” estimates and the closing costs disclosures. 


The rules are well known by now – a three-day requirement for all loan document disclosures and a seven day advanced notice for all material changes to the Loan Estimate. Closing delays due to disclosure errors can be extremely costly – impacting realtor relations and the ability of a homebuyer to move in and maybe even own the home if the rate locks and the deal falls through because of mistakes.

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Kris Perez: Some Mortgage Tech Firms Didn't Start on TRID Early Enough

Person of the week: Kris Perez is customer success manager for Idaho Falls, Idaho-based Docutech, which provides compliance services and documentation technology for the mortgage industry. MortgageOrb recently caught up with Perez to get her views on why certain technology vendors were singled out for not adequately meeting the Oct. 3 deadline for implementation of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s (CFPB) new TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosure (TRID) rules, as well as how vendors should prepare for the upcoming expansion of reporting requirements under the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA).

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